
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Visiting Disney World with our friends Tom and Abby

It's great that we get to see so many friends and family while we're in Florida! Our friends and former California neighbors Tom, Abby, and their two sons are visiting Disney World for the week, and we got to hang out together for a couple of days!

It's been a couple years to be sure. That's not a lot of time for us adults I guess, but for a kid, that can be a lifetime! Do you remember us? Sort-of? Maybe from pictures? 

Hollywood Studios has a lot of the best rides at Disney World now. Like Rise of the Resistance! 

Some aren't quite tall enough though, so instead, I'm taking their youngest and we're going to tour the park in a stroller today.

After their fun times on Rise, the six of them hopped on Toy Story Midway Mania too! Every Day at Disney is Super!

Thanks for keeping everyone dry buddy! After a quick lunch, it was on to the next attraction!

But not before a quick downpour! The rain came down hard and heavy! I shuffled the kids underneath a building awning while everyone put on rain jackets. Just as soon as it started up, it went away too. Popcorn is delicious and easily shared. 

The Frozen sing-along was fun. 

And while they were doing that, me and their youngest walked around the Muppets section of the park. What do you see? 

Ducks! Just hanging out in the Miss Piggy fountain. Almost getting spat on by the fish fountains. 

Once they finished with Frozen, and since we're in the area, why not check out Muppetvision 3D! I don't know that the kids have seen this show. At least neither of them remember seeing it before. 
I still love the line "We invited distinguished scientists from all over the world to come and work here... Unfortunately none of them showed up."
The kids loved the bubbles, of course, as well as the penguins and the Swedish Chef's cannon. 

For their final ride together today, the six of them headed off to Smuggler's Run, helping Chewbacca steal supplies from First Order ships. 

Me and the little one walked around Star Wars land (it's hard to call it Batuu) while they rode. He loves buttery popcorn. 

It was a lot of fun seeing you guys again today! I know Ian and Alli had a lot of fun hanging out!

The next day, we decided to meet up again in the morning, this time at Epcot. We arrived about 45 minutes after the park opened, and as we were walking to meet up, we spotted this painted rock! It's the start of the Flower & Garden Festival, so this rock painted like a Minnie Mouse shrub fits right into the theming and is so cute! Alli asked if we could keep it. 

Looks like the back says that we can! Thank you @OcalaRocksOfficial! You certainly made our day a little more magical! 
This is just like the RedondoRocks that our neighbor would paint back home. I love that groups like this spend their time to make other people's day a little brighter. 

Hi Friends! Let's go on a ride! Mission Space!

Abby is brave taking all three kids with her. 

And Theresa and I got a capsule all to ourselves! 

The six of them are off to go on their next ride. I know somewhere fun that we can go see. 
The Epcot Experience closes in just a few days, and while I've glanced at it while walking by, I didn't ever go inside to really experience it. It was a great place for me and the little guy to see. The room has 360 degrees of projections on the wall, along with music and narration. It's a look at many of the new and upcoming attractions coming to Epcot. 

The 3D mapping is awesome! These gray buildings in the center of the room light up and change based on what's going on on the walls. 

And can change to something else in an instant. We watched previous of the new Guardian ride, Moana's Water Garden, the Disney Play zone, and saw things that already opened like Remy's Ratatouille Adventure. 

Oh yeah! Hercules! I love that they've included the music in the new Harmonious nighttime show. 

The six of them all had a blast on Test Track. It's one of our favorite rides!

I know somewhere else that's fun!

Let's try all the different sodas!


Ah, he wants to get in on this too. 

So we filled his cup with water and gave it to him. 

The Mariachi Band in Mexico! Ian put on a show for everyone! When everyone clapped at the end, he smiled really big. 

Ian dances and doesn't care who is watching. Theresa thinks he could do with learning a few moves. 

After a ride together on Frozen, it was time for us to finally part ways. It's been fun catching up these last few days! Hopefully we'll see you all again sometime soon!

1 comment:

  1. How fun to meet up with some former So Cal neighbors...the parents and 2 boys had a blast with the Flowers family. Being the "nanny" for the littlest one helped the others to enjoy additional attractions (which I"m sure was very appreciated!)...probably brought back some memories when you were pushing Alli & Ian in the stroller, too. The 3D mapping in the Epcot Experience is so captured great color in the photos from that 360 projection room...very nice. Ian breaks out dancing out of pure joy and fun, just like he'll break out in song when moved...wonderful to see that uninhibited childhood exuberance (the Mariachi Band was smiling, too, seeing Ian's joyful dancing!) What a good time making memories with Tom, Abby, and their two sons. EOM
