
Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Flowers Explore - Orangeland RV Park, Redondo Beach, and more - 2022/06/08-22

We're on the move again! It was great hanging out in Palm Springs with Jacob. We got to do so many things together! Now it's time to move a little further west out to Anaheim! 

If everything goes according to plan and we don't have any issues, it shouldn't take any more than a couple hours. 
Goodbye Palm Springs!

Hello Anaheim! 
We're staying at the Orangeland RV Park, a former orange grove, now celebrating 50 years here. As far as location goes, it's pretty amazing! Within a stone's throw from the Anaheim Duck pond and Angel's Stadium, just a couple miles away from Disneyland. 

I had read they had mini golf, but this is something different. There are holes all over, like a putting green, and obstacles, like ramps and such to put in the way. It looked fun, but boy once we got here, we didn't stop moving, and sadly never took the time to play. 

Receptionist - First time here? 
Theresa - Yes. 
Receptionist - Then enjoy this gift bag! 
Cool! Some fun things, including a Christmas ornament! 

Our spot! We paid for a premium spot here, and the office told us it was the 2nd biggest they had. The other spots here were a bit tight, and the lanes were a little congested with trucks parked half in it, so I'm glad we paid for the upgrade. I wouldn't have wanted to try backing this thing up into a narrow space with no room for the truck to maneuver. 

Since we got here with no issues and early enough in the day, I was excited that we had enough time for one of my favorite hobbies when we lived here. 

It's Wednesday! Every week during the summer I would run a beach volleyball meetup for my work. After I left, Alysa kept it going! And sure enough, here she it, with 40 people, 6 courts, and a ton of volleyballs all ready to go. 

It was awesome being back out on the beach!

Theresa has missed it too. 

I wasn't sure what the kids would be doing while we were playing, but luckily enough a former co-worker brought his daughter and they ended up playing together for hours. 

So good to be back out playing! 

And Ms. Alysa even took some pictures for the kids with her fancy automatic camera that gives you physical photos right away! The kids thought that was pretty amazing! 

We had a lot of things going on while we were in Anaheim, which I'll get into in separate posts, but one of the big things was getting a visit from Gram and Pop Pop! They're going to be hanging out with us in the RV and going to Disneyland with us! Awesome!

Gram brought more crafting supplies for the kids. They do enjoy being creative, and you never know what they might use things for. 

They love playing games together. 

And when we woke up one morning, we heard that the kids woke up early and Pop Pop took them outside to play card games while everyone else kept sleeping. 

Ooh, we're in the land of 85C! 

Delicious! That'll make a tasty breakfast. 

One of the features of the Orangeland RV park that we were really really looking forward to was their oranges. Like I said earlier, they are on a former Orange Grove. One of the awesome features is that they let you pick as much fruit as you care to! 

They even have picker baskets at their desk that you can check out to help reach the high ones! 

Nearby they there is a map that shows where all the different trees are growing. They have a whole lot of Valencia Oranges, with a scattering of a few other fruits. We would learn that it's really just the oranges that are in season right now. 

But boy were there a lot of them! 

Ian helping out with the picker basket. 

We'd go around to the different trees and all of them would be loaded with fruit. 

The picker basket was handy, but it was even faster to have hands twisting off the oranges and passing them down. 

And were they juicy? 

So juicy! Just give it a squeeze and you'll have a mouthful of the freshest OJ you can imagine. 

Pop Pop even found a couple grapefruit. This was just a small portion of our haul. 

Oh my. Someone has been enjoying the oranges. 

We didn't have a juicer in our RV before this, but a quick trip to the store and that was remedied. I squeezed orange after orange to get as much juice as I could. 

The kids offered free samples of Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice to any people who were walking by. We probably gave out 10 tiny cups of OJ to some thankful people. 

Yum! Doesn't get much better than that. T even happened to have some Simply Orange Juice in the fridge. Doesn't even compare. This is better!

Good job everyone! 

We had lots of other adventures with Pop Pop and Gram that I'll be writing up in a separate post, but after a few days it was time to take them back to the Long Beach airport. It's been a great time!

Thank you for coming out to visit us!

Love you! Safe travels!

And from the Long Beach airport, we drove straight to the LAX airport to pick up our next guest! Aunt Rita! We're so popular here!

1 comment:

  1. Extra special stay in Orangeland RV Park with Gram & Pop Pop and then Aunt Rita! Nice big parking spot...the shade umbrella and tables & chairs make for a great relaxing place (and convenient place to squeeze out all those oranges while enjoying the outdoors!) Wow...what a wonderful treat to pick fresh oranges as often and as much as you want...nothing beats that fresh OJ straight from the orange! Seeing former co-workers at the usual beach volleyball site and being able to join in was such a fantastic time for you and Theresa...even Alli & Ian had a new friend to play with. Being back in the LA area allowed you to visit some familiar and favorite places (85C anyone?) That was a welcoming gesture by the Orangeland to offer a Welcome Bag to first timers! Sounds like lots of adventures on the horizon while staying in Anaheim! EOM
