
Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween! Reverse Trick-or-Treating at Disney World! Giving out 375 bags of candy to Disney Cast Members!

Happy Halloween! We've got a really fun day planned! It's gonna be pretty incredible! 

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Pizza at Home - Washington Cherry Pizzas

Happy Sunday! This week we're in the great state of Washington! What is Washington known for? Cherries of course! Today I'll be making two different kinds of cherry pizzas! 

And even better, we're having pizza dinner with a friend! Todd is a former co-worker from Southern California who moved up to Seattle, and he almost always comments on my interesting pizzas I make every Sunday. He even suggested a few, including the Cereal Pizza from a year ago. I thought it was awesome he could join us for pizza day!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Visiting the Starbucks Reserve Roastery in Seattle Washington - 2022/08/02

We're in Seattle, home to lots of big corporations like Microsoft, Costco, and most importantly Starbucks! Just down the street at Pike Place Market is the very first Starbucks, but that's not our goal today. Today we're after an entirely different Starbucks experience than we've ever had before. 

My sister-in-law Megan is a big coffee lover and came to the Starbucks Reserve Roastery a week before us and said we had to come see it. They offer things that you won't find in your everyday Starbucks and it's a really unique experience. 

Friday, October 28, 2022

Exploring the Seattle Space Needle - 2022/08/02

We're in Washington and visiting downtown Seattle! Of course we have to stop by the Seattle staple the Space Needle! We visited Pike Place market earlier in the day. It's only a 1 mile walk over to the Space Needle from there. Let's go!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Exploring Downtown Seattle Washington - 2022/08/02

This week we're in Washington! One of the places I really wanted to go see was Downtown Seattle! Let's go explore!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Tall Chief RV Park Washington State - Hanging out with Jacob and Todd - 2022/07/29-08/09

We're in Washington and look who else is here! Jacob! He's traveling around the country this summer too!

Let's have some tasty leftover cookies from my birthday! Yum! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A Whale Watching Tour in Washington in Puget Sound with Megan - 2022/07/29

I posted a few pictures from this before, but here's the full write-up. 

It's my birthday (7/29) and we're in Washington! 

Megan - We should go on a whale watching tour! 

She got to work researching the different companies that offered tours and picked the best!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Tall Chief RV Park Washington State - Snoqualmie Falls - 2022/07/29-08/09

It's no big secret that I'm falling behind in getting these written up. Here it is almost the end of October and I'm just getting around to writing up the end of July. So, in a push to catch up, I'll be rushing through things a little bit. A little less writing, more pictures. And sometimes 2-3 posts a day if I can keep up. Let's jump right into it. 

Seaside Oregon was beautiful but it's time to leave and head further north. 

Our journey today is taking us further north into Washington State, close to Seattle. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Pizza at Home - Oregon Blackberry and Blueberry Pizza

This week we are in Seaside Oregon! What is Oregon known for? How about berries? Both blueberries and blackberries! 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

What the Fanta Mystery Soda Taste Test

Another mystery soda? I mean, I guess we should try it since we try so many others. My brother and his whole family were visiting us, so why not try it all together!

The label describes it as "Mystery Flavored Soda" with the hashtag #WHATTHEFANTA. I only found the zero sugar version, so that's what we'll be trying today. (Turns out that the Zero Sugar version is the only one available.)

Friday, October 21, 2022

Mystery Mountain Dew 2022 - Mtn Dew VooDew 4

It's Halloween Time and it's time once again for Mountain Dew to release another version of VooDew! 

In 2019, their first year, they release VooDew which tasted like Candy Corn
Then in 2020, VooDew2 was a Fruit Candy Explosion, which was flavored like Skittles
For 2021, VooDew3 was flavored like Fruit Candy Chews, so basically Starbursts

This year is VooDew4! I wonder what it's going to taste like. 

My brother Patrick picked up both the original VooDew4 and the Zero Sugar VooDew4. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Visiting Seaside Oregon with a visit from Jess, Jon, and family

My Sister-In-Law Megan just left and we're already getting some new visitors here! It's my brother and his whole family! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Visiting Seaside Oregon Pt 3 - 2022/07/21-28

We were previously exploring Seaside Oregon and all it had to offer. Let's continue that! 

As we were wandering by the main entrance to the beach and the balcony overlooking it, these giant bubbles kept floating over us!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Visiting Seaside Oregon with Megan Pt 2 - 2022/07/21-28

Earlier we visited Cannon Beach and Haystack Rock. Today we're a little further north at Seaside Oregon.  

The end of the Lewis and Clark Expedition!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Wishing Alli a very happy birthday!

Happy birthday Alli! This little girl (not so little anymore) is turning 7!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Visiting the Lewis and Clark Salt Works and making homemade salt ourselves!

Welcome to Seaside Oregon! While walking along the Strand by the beach, we noticed that just off the path was a very very small National Park Historic Monument. It's the Lewis and Clark Salt Works! 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Visiting Seaside Oregon, Cannon Beach and Haystack Rock - 2022/07/21-28

It's been a fun time visiting family near Battle Ground Washington, but it's time to move along. This week we're in Seaside Oregon!

Monday, October 10, 2022

Wrapping up our visit to Battle Ground Washington with family - 2022/07/11-20

Let's wrap up our visit to Battle Ground Washington, hanging out with my brother, his family, and all the rest of the Flowers family. 

Coffee is a favorite of many of the Flowers family. There's lots of cute coffee shops near their house. 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Saturday Morning Cereals - Cinnamon Toast Crunch Rolls cereal - A taste test

It's time for another Saturday morning cereal taste test! And this time Cinnamon Toast Crunch has a something new! So far we have tried every version of Cinnamon Toast Crunch that I've been able to get my hands on. 

The original Cinnamon Toast Crunch and a loaf of homemade bread for homemade cinnamon toast. French Toast Crunch with homemade bread for homemade french toast. Chocolate Toast Crunch and a loaf of homemade Chocolate Bread. Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros and making homemade churros! And of course when Cinnamon Toast Crunch Chocolate Churros came out, I had to make those too. For Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch, the kids and I made sugar cookies. Apple Pie Toast Crunch and my sister-in-law Megan's homemade apple pie. And Cinna-Graham Toast Crunch where I made homemade Graham Crackers for the first time

Now there's a new one where the Cinnamon Toast Crunch bakers have taken the next logical leap and made Cinnamon Toast Crunch Rolls. Like Cinnamon Rolls! I don't think this is going to be a close comparison at all, but let's give this a try!

Before we all got together, my niece Avery asked if I could make Cinnamon Rolls while everyone was together. I sure can! This is the perfect opportunity to do it! 

Friday, October 7, 2022

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Everything taste test - 5 new items from Betty Crocker

It's time for a taste test! We've tried so many different Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereals where they've tried to be something else. Like Churros, Apple Pie, and Sugar Cookies. Today though we've got other tasty items that are trying to be like Cinnamon Toast Crunch! 

My brother Patrick saw these announced by Betty Crocker first and bought them all for us to try. There's Cinnamon Toast Crunch cookie mix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch pancakes, Cinnamon Toast Crunch cake mix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch frosting, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch Coffee Cake mix. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Visiting Mount St Helens - 2022/07/18

We're in Washington state visiting with family, and one of the natural features I wanted to see while we were here is Mount St Helens! The whole family piled into three different cars and we all took the drive to go see it. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

A Tillamook Good and Creamy Yogurt taste test - All 12 flavors!

Time for another taste test! Whenever I see something that has a bunch of different flavors, I'm always tempted to try them all! Recently we visited the Tillamook Creamery in Tillamook Oregon where they make all these delicious treats! 

We've got 11 different yogurts here to try! Thank you Jess for putting together this beautiful sample board. I love that the lids are all different colors! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Freeze Dried Starburst taste test

Time for another taste test! I always keep my eye out for new things to try, but my brother Patrick likes to find interesting things too! Earlier this year he found Freetles, freeze dried Skittles, that we thought were even better than the original Skittles! And we know our Skittles! We have tried 56 different flavors of Skittles during our massive Skittles taste test

And since we're all getting together in Washington, Patrick wanted to bring a few new freeze dried treats. Today we have freeze dried Starbursts minis, Skittles, and Sour Skittles!

Monday, October 3, 2022

Pizza at Home - Washington Coffee - Caramel Latte Pizza

We're visiting Washington State and we're lucky enough to have my entire family here too! 

I'm always soliciting ideas for what my weekly pizza should be. I was riding in a car with my dad, brother, and sister-in-law Megan when inspiration struck her. She almost sucked all the air out of the car as she had her realization. 
Megan - GASP! You have to make a coffee pizza!

Brilliant! Seattle Washington is regarded as the "World Center for Coffee Roasting". Starbucks originated from here! Megan is a coffee fanatic. 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Saturday Morning Cereals - Banana Cheerios - Caramel Banana Cheerios and Strawberry Banana Cheerios Taste Test

Happy Saturday! Today we're trying a couple brand new Cheerios flavors! Last Christmas I tried 20 different Cheerios flavors with my family! It was the Ultimate Cheerios Taste Test! 

Sheila - We had a lot of Cheerios left over at the house after that...

Since then, I have groaned whenever I saw a new version of Cheerios released, because it meant that was one that I didn't get to try in our big taste test. No matter, we'll just save the new flavors until we're back together again to try them. 

Who here likes banana flavored things? Just Jon and Megan apparently. I'm definitely in the opposite camp. Banana flavored foods and candies are among my least favorite. Will these Cheerios be good or bad? Let's taste them and see!

And because it's kind of what we do here, I'll be comparing them to the flavors they claim to be. There's Strawberry Banana as well as Banana Caramel.