
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Visiting Seaside Oregon Pt 3 - 2022/07/21-28

We were previously exploring Seaside Oregon and all it had to offer. Let's continue that! 

As we were wandering by the main entrance to the beach and the balcony overlooking it, these giant bubbles kept floating over us!

That's because this couple has brought giant bubble sticks with ropes and the wind that was flying my kite before is filling their giant bubbles!

Look at the giant one coming my way!

The kids loved them!

I gave them a couple bucks and she gave me a card with her secret bubble recipe on the back, which includes guar gum and vegetable glycerin. 

These last couple days here have been great! The skies are beautifully blue. 

Walking back along the beach towards where we were playing, we came upon a sea creature made from sand. It's a whale! And I like the little snowman beside it. 

I can't get over how wide and flat these beaches are. 

The hill before has been covered with a cloud. Ian thought it looked a bit like snow. It was a precursor of things to come. 

Our sea wall and pond couldn't withstand the incoming tide. The big log I carried over is still there, though I suspect it will be floating away soon. 

The beach was a lot of fun! 

And on the way back, there were some beautiful flowers in the houses along the street. 

Such saturated colors!

Knowing that one of Megan's favorite treats that I make is Molasses bread, I went ahead and made a few loaves for her. I was missing the cocoa powder, so they didn't have the dark color, but they still tasted delicious. 

M is for Megan. 

I love it when the campgrounds we stay at do something special. Tonight they are providing fixings for s'mores around the main fire!

There's no one from the campground here, but they've left lots of these paper bags and wooden dowels. 

Inside were ziplock baggies filled with graham crackers, a couple marshmallows, and a bar of chocolate. 

They started a nice fire in the firepit and left us to our own devices. 

Yum. The most perfectly toasted marshmallow. 

Which will make a perfect s'more. Ian was more interested in toasting marshmallows to give away than he was to eat them himself. 

Megan got one of those marshmallows. 

Theresa likes toasting her own, though look out! That one is about to fall off!

That evening the five of us all squeezed onto the couch to watch a movie I haven't seen in a long time. 

Free Willy! The story about a Killer Whale who wants to return to his home. Many of the scenes were filmed in Astoria Oregon, just a few miles away, and at Cannon Beach where we were a couple days ago. The kids loved the movie! It was also to get them in the mood for whales, which is a lead-in to something we'll be doing shortly. 

The next morning it was time to say goodbye to Aunt Megan. 

Her work has an office in Washington, so she's going there for a few days, but don't worry, we'll see her again shortly. 

The next few days, we wandered along the Strand on the beach but the weather really took a turn. The clouds have come in and it was overcast. 

We came across the Lewis and Clark Salt Works, which was a lot of fun to see. 
And look what else we found while we were walking. Wild Blackberries!

Give them a taste! Just a little sour. Not quite ready yet. 

But still, we found a few here and there. 

Enough for a tasty snack while we walk. 

Theresa suggested that if we give it a few more days, they might ripen a little more and get a bit sweeter. That is, if this marine layer lifts and we get a few more hot sunshiny days. 

Another person making bubbles. Is this a thing? I never saw this in Manhattan or Hermosa in all my years there. 

Getting our walking miles on, we wandered around the arcade again, just to look around. 

And once again, some people were more interested in playing the games than winning the tickets. The kids each got a few more game cards from people. 

And waited in line again to get more candy. What a great arcade!

And even after all that walking, they still want to play around at the park. This one featured a lot of interesting climbing equipment! 
Time to get home though. We've got more special guests coming! 

1 comment:

  1. Definitely some VERY wide and flat beaches, unlike the ones I'm use to seeing here. Those bubbles were huge! much fun to encounter them and chase them down. Lots of colorful flowers decorating homes near the beach. You have created the "Megan Molasses Specialty Bread" with the trademark "M" :-) That was a fun RV site-sponsored activity: making s'mores (or gooey marshmallows only!) Walking the strand led to a variety of discoveries...makes the walking so much more fun. EOM
