
Monday, November 21, 2022

Alli loses her 5th Tooth! 2022/11/20

We're in Michigan for Thanksgiving and Alli has a big surprise for us! She's already losing another tooth!

She was out and about with Aubrey and Jared, sitting in her seat, wiggling her tooth with her tongue and all of the sudden she said she felt the string (root) pop! 

Her loose tooth came right out and fell into her mouth. No blood!
I didn't even know she had a loose tooth, so I wasn't prepared with a video or anything like that! 
That night she put her tooth under her pillow, and in the morning she woke up to a surprise. 

You might remember that when Alli lost her 4th tooth, it was on Halloween night. After the Tooth Fairy came, Jack Skellington followed, leaving her a note that he would be taking over the job as Tooth Fairy going forward, just like he took over Christmas. 

And so his note was shaped like his bowtie. 

And to go with the note, he's also leaving a little "trick" to finding her tooth fairy money. That bowtie has eyes! Sandwiched between the front and back is a "treat". 

Congratulations Alli on losing that 5th tooth!

And for me, this is Tooth "N", a lateral incisor. 

1 comment:

  1. That has to be the most painless loss of a baby tooth!...Congratulations, Alli, on baby tooth #5 coming out! That was a cute message from Jack Skellington...liked that idea with the bill's eyes peering through the mask! EOM
