
Monday, February 6, 2023

Exploring Horseshoe Bend in Page Arizona - 2022/09/09

Today we're headed to a place I've always seen in pictures and have marvelled at the beauty. It's Horseshoe Bend! 

Our RV is parked in Utah, but we're going to take a road trip in just the truck and drive a few hours to get to Page. We criss-crossed back and forth between Utah and Arizona before finally arriving. And it's not just us going on this long road trip. Jacob is jumping in the truck and taking this road trip with us! 

Along the way we passed lots of hills and mountains looking like this. 

After checking into our hotel, we had to go out and get some food! Smoked meat sounds delicious! 

Big John's Texas Barbeque was smelling fantastic! A bit pricy though. $11.50 for a pulled pork sandwich no bigger than a regular hamburger with no sides. 

The sauces were tasty. Alli liked "sweet". 

A tasty plate of BBQ Nachos ($16). 

The pickles were not the flavor Alli was expecting. 

Still, it was a tasty dinner. Now let's go explore with the rest of the time we have tonight! 

The actual canyon and Colorado River are on National Park Service land, but because of the interest, the City of Page built a nice parking lot for all the guests wanting to visit. Before, you could park free along side the road and walk the trail over. Now there's barriers lining the road and signs forbidding parking. Looks like the city is doing pretty well with their $10 per car parking fee in their new lot. Our National Park Pass does not apply here. 

We paid our $10 and set off for the hike to the edge of the canyon. It's a 0.75 mile trip, but the way is paved with a nice gravel path. Even though it's 6pm, there's still some heat from the day and it's a good thing we're bringing water with us. 

And this site is busy with guests all coming to check out the view. 

Wow! We made it! 

Nearly 1000 feet below us is the Colorado River, snaking from right to left through the canyon. 

We saw people in boats paddling down the river. It's just about dusk so many were pulling off to the embankment for the night. 

And setting up camps, starting fires, and settling in for the night. 

Once you get to the canyon edge, there's very little in the way of safety railings. There's a few rails right at the vertex of the bend, but if you really wanted to get close to the edge, looking down the 1000 foot drop, you can. 

Some of the more daring guests. 

It's getting close to sunset out here. 

I moved to one of the safer edges and asked Jacob for a photo. 

Very pretty view. 

I felt safe the whole time. Doing a little butt scoot on the rock. 

The sky was gorgeous. 

Making the hike back to the truck. 

The kids saw our hotel had a pool, and even though it's dark, wanted to take advantage and go swimming! 

The next morning we got packed up to head to another local spot, but before our reservations there, we decided to stop by Horseshoe Bend one more time. Jacob is getting a feel for driving a big truck like The Beast. 

Another $10 later and we were off to the canyon edge again. I'm hoping for some better group pictures this time. Going late in the day yesterday, the colors were a little muted. I want to get one where they POP! 

Wow! Look at those popping colors! 

Okay, that's just the sign near the parking lot. 

We've still got a little bit of a walk to get to the canyon. 

Made it!

Ooh, but the sun is right in our eyes this time! Not good for getting a family picture. 

Back to the truck!

I'm glad we took the time to go check out Horseshoe Bend! Definitely a beautiful site! Now to head to the tour that Theresa booked for us over 6 months in advance! 

1 comment:

  1. Some beautiful pristine photos of Horseshoe Bend...looked so peaceful and untouched. Much too daring for me on those rocks...I don't like heights and feel uneasy with those steep drops, even though there's a railing! Capturing the sunset always adds a beautiful touch to the scenery. Those hills & mountains on the drive over were very different with those clay-red horizontal layers embedded into them. Such contrasting expressions from Alli during dinner: the unexpectedly delicious "sweet sauce" big-eye, look vs the "that's not what a pickle should taste like" yucky taste look :-) EOM
