
Saturday, April 29, 2023

A Halloween trip to Disneyland - Pt 3 - 2022/10/10

It's been a long day at Disneyland, but we're not quite through yet. We took our treats from Pooh's Corner and headed back over to DCA to get in a few more rides. T is doing her best to slice that caramel apple with a plastic knife. 

Not bad at all! 

For the rest of our meal, we enjoyed a buttered sour dough loaf like we've done so often in the past. Nothing like fresh bread and butter. 

Except for all those crusts. If Pop Pop were here, he'd have eaten them all up. 

On a totally unrelated note, oh Hi Ducks! 

Come to the woods, for here is rest - John Muir

The kids remember John Muir from earlier this summer, and his role in protecting all the National Parks we've enjoyed visiting

Let's go do some exploring of our own on Soarin'. I wish we had been back for the throwback to Soarin' Over California. 

Wandering the rest of the park and taking a spin through Cars Land. 

One thing I have wanted to do ever since it came out, but never got a chance to see was the Guardians After Dark version of the Guardians Mission Breakout ride. 

While waiting in line, Ian chatted with a new friend named Daniel. He's a free spirit, and they talked about plans of being astronauts, going to Mars, favorite animals (pandas), and even taking a panda to Mars. In the end, Daniel gave Ian one of his glowstick bracelets, which Ian then gave to Alli when we met back up. 
We've been on the normal version plenty of times, but I've never seen this alternate story. 

We loved it! 

After taking a spin on Radiation Springs Racers (and having our pictures lost) we went to the back of the park to finally wait in line for Toy Story Midway Mania. 
Mr. Potato Head - Who's your favorite toy? 
I don't know that they've ever even played with a Mr Potato Head toy...

And because our Genie+ reservation got messed up earlier, we had to stand in the regular line and wait for 40 minutes to go on this one. Even at 9:30pm! 

Ian was my shooter today. 

Not the highest score, but we had fun. Looks like Theresa took it overall for the vehicle. 

DCA closes at 10pm, but we're certainly not through yet. Let's head over to Disneyland again! Alli getting a shoulder ride. 

We've enjoyed people watching from that porch a few times. Dapper Day a few times, and just people watching with Megan

Back in Florida, we'll regularly skip Buzz Lightyear. The idea there is the same, but the execution isn't as good as it is in Disneyland. 

Here you get blasters you can pick up, while there you have a cannon that's affixed to the space capsule. 

Not bad at all T. It's the end of the day and she's scored the 23rd highest! At the beginning of the day it's easy, but at the end of the day, much harder. 

Our scores didn't show up. Probably cause they were too high or something... I don't know. 

Squeezing in a few rides before we end the night. Like Big Thunder Mountain. 

Ian got his super yellow popcorn, just like he wanted. 

Ian had been asking to ride Alice in Wonderland all day, since they don't have it in Florida. At the end of the night, the line was much better. 

And we can't leave without a ride on one of Theresa's favorites, Winnie The Pooh. 

At the end of the night, just before midnight, we hopped in an empty line for the Haunted Mansion Holiday. A perfect ride to end our night on. 
It was super late, and we wouldn't get back to our hotel until nearly 1:30am, but it's been a great day! 

1 comment:

  1. Everyone was ready to hit the sack when the hotel bed appeared :-) What a FULL day...first DCA, then Disneyland, then back to DCA, then back to Disneyland!...lots of hopping and lots of fun times...Guardians After Dark sounded and looked like a real "screaming" time! (being able to do that holiday overlay is great, along with the HM Halloween/Christmas overlay, too)...looks like Theresa was "blasting" it out of the park again. Seeing the John Muir quote brought back good memories for the kids after their many National Park visits the past summer...also helps cement the learning they acquired, too, during the NP visits. Liked the "dusk" photo in DCA where the ducks swimming in the water were captured...seeing the beginning effects of the park lights and the darkening sky help give that special look & feel between daytime and nighttime...another reminder that the day is already half over. That was a very special day at the Disney parks, with lots of fond memories! EOM
