
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Michigan - 2022/09/24

Well one of the things the kids wanted to do for their birthday was go to an arcade that wasn't Chuck E. Cheese. Amy and Donald had the perfect place in mind! Rev'd Up Fun! 

Let's go!

There's lots of stuff here, including ax throwing! 

We're not doing that though. Play cards for everyone!

Lots of fun games we haven't seen before. 

Some we've only seen on Youtube videos. 

And then some classics. I cleaned up on Down the Clown, hitting the jackpot multiple times! Racking up those tickets. 

Who will win? 

A Minecraft game? 

And it even gave them Minecraft trading cards. They were little addicts for this one. 

349 points? Yep, we've got a high score. For all our trouble though, I think we got something like 34 tickets. It didn't seem like a very good ratio of tickets to points. 

There's a trick where if you record the screen in slow motion, you can tell where the case with all the tickets goes. 

Time to redeem all those tickets! 

Lots of candy! Yay! Thanks Aunt Amy and Uncle Donald!

Ian finding Superman Ice Cream at the grocery store, from one of the regional ice cream makers here. We don't find it very often when we're down south. 

Wrapping up our trip here and it's a school day, so everyone is busy. Rita and Amy are teaching. Aubrey and Ethan are in school. Tyler and Don are both at work. We decided to take the kids to a new Chuck E. Cheese. Ethan surprised us by skipping out of a class early and joining us! 

The next day, it was time to head to the airport and fly back to Colorado. It's been a fun visit! Love you all!

Thanks for taking us to the airport Don! See you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet good-bye last photo w/ Uncle Don...also several special family pics prior to leaving the house for the airport...the next family get-together can't come soon enough. Lots of fun at the Rev'd Up Fun Arcade and new Chuck E. Cheese (how did the 2 arcades compare in Alli's & Ian's eyes?)...the Minecraft trading cards must have been real special prizes for Alli & Ian. Hooray for Superman ice cream!...Ian must have been excited to see and taste that again. EOM
