
Monday, March 18, 2024

Hanging out with Friends and Family! 2024-02-25

Since getting back to Florida, we've been able to visit with lots of friends and family! 

Our bike rides out to see our friend Henry have continued, and one day he texted me a picture of a new addition. A hunter in the area had killed a large sow, but found a new litter of piglets left behind. He asked if Henry wanted her. This little girl is only a few days old, and Henry said she needs constant attention.   

She's so little! When Henry came over, she was trailing behind him. She looked like a squirrel chasing after him! 

And if she's staying here, she'll have to get used to people. 

So with all the new sights and smells, she's still exploring her world. 

And she's still a bit squirmy, but the adults at least can feed her. 

She's voracious. 

The kids love her. 

Especially Alli. She so adores pigs. 
And for now, she doesn't have a name. I know Bambi was an option, based on her circumstances, but we'll just have to see what happens. 

And we never forget about the other animals too. Cabbage for the goats. 

Wild grape leaves for Kurt. 

And Olga and Medusa. 

Jacob moved RV parks to the one we're at and we had some debugging to do underneath his RV. His fresh water sensors/intake line is acting up. He's showing 1/3rd full for fresh water, but sucking air. When he manually drains it, about 15 gallons comes out! That's a lot of weight to carry around and not be able to access! Sounds like a hose isn't reaching down to where it should! We tried to get some views of it with my cheap camera scope, but didn't have much success. Still interesting though. 

It's always great to see family coming through Florida! Some of our Michigan family just got back from a cruise and have an hour before they have to head to the airport! 

We all met up at Mission BBQ by the airport!

We're the first ones in the restaurant as soon as they opened. 

And after finished our meal and continued talking around the table, we were surprised by a worker bringing us lots of brownies and banana pudding just because! Thank you! 

One of the things unique about Mission BBQ is that at noon, they invite everyone to stand up, remove any hats, put their hand over their heart and listen to the National Anthem. Our whole table sang along, as well as many others in the restaurant. Nice. 

Good to see you Ethan! 

We'll see you soon! 

Love you guys! 

And for dinner? Chick-fil-A with Jacob! 
Always good to visit with so many people we know in Florida! 

1 comment:

  1. Poor mother to look to :-( ...thankfully, the piglet is being raised among loving people now. Hope Jacob got his water sensors/intake value issue resolved quickly!!...can be frustrating when such a basic thing as water can't be depended upon. Despite being a brief one, that was a nice family gathering at Mission BBQ...oh my, lots of yummy brownies and banana pudding (yum, yum) that 12 noon tradition with the National Anthem (way to go, Mission BBQ...that's the patriotic spirit!). EOM
