
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Pasadena Chalk Festival Spot Selection and Artist Dinner

It's almost time for the 2024 Pasadena Chalk Festival! It's coming up this weekend, but on Thursday there's a couple important things going on. We've got to pick our spot and later tonight is the artists dinner! Sweet! 

I certainly don't miss the LA freeways, but we made it up to Pasadena in pretty good time. I was aiming to arrive by 2:30pm, and we were able to get checked into the hotel and over to the Convention Center by 2:50pm. There's umbrellas everywhere and paint marking the ground. 

We arrived at the same time as our friend Charlotte. This whole row looks pretty good! Theresa and the kids stayed on the spaces we liked while I went to get lined up. 

At 4pm, we're supposed to be able to select our spot, but the volunteers are getting things going early. 

And there's already quite a few artists here, just itching to get a good spot. 

By 3:15pm, the table opened up and we got our official markers to claim our spot! Glad we got here early! 

We're going to be right on the major corner with a lot of foot traffic! 

If you want to come see us this weekend, we'll be right here! 

Since we got to pick our spot so early, we've totally got time to go somewhere else. Like Chuck E Cheese! 

We like the coin pushers! We don't like when they say they're going to pay out 250 tickets, but only give 100 tickets. Ian went up to the counter and they added the extra 150. 

Mr. Charles Entertainment Cheese even came around for a visit! He took over Theresa's skeeball game and actually did pretty well! 

Thanks Chuck! 

Just barely not enough credits to beat King Boo on Luigi's Mansion. It almost looked like they were going to win, then the game pulls a trick and the big boss comes back for another round. We'll get you next time. 

At 6pm, it was time for the artists dinner! On the steps of the Pasadena Convention Center, tables and chairs have been set up for the artists. 

And a tasty mexican dinner! They must have had so many leftovers because when you asked for meat, they'd give you a scoop and ask if you wanted another. And if you said yes, they offered another! I got 3 scoops of tasty carne asada! 

Tea to drink. 

Uncle Ruston! Good to see you! 

We found a table with old friends and some new friends. 

Always good to hang out with Ruston, Charlotte, and Curt, and catch up on everything that's been going on these last few months. 

Alli going back for seconds on the "delicious rice". 

Tom Coston, Board Chair of the Lightbringer Project welcomed us to the 31st Pasadena Chalk Festival. We thanked all the people who are a part of putting this event on, including Paddy Hurley, Jessica Lopez, Natalie Lydick, and many others. And especially the City of Pasadena for letting us use this space at the convention center, and Dick Blicks art supplies for providing 35000 pieces of chalk for all the artists!

Always good to see old friends, like Stacy and Randall! 

And Bianca.

See you all very soon! 

Once we got back to the hotel room, I pulled out the stencil I made that we'll be using to draw our chalk this year! 
A bunch of the Pokemon gang is visiting Disneyland! And they've all dressed up! 
It's always big and this year is no exception! DisneyMon is larger than a queen size bed! 
It's going to be a hot one this weekend! Let's hope we can get it done early! 

1 comment:

  1. What a HUGE stencil!...creative name of "DisneyMon"...looks like a crowd-pleaser already (just wait until the color pops out!) The family's early efforts to secure a spot paid off...lots of foot traffic for sure. Yes, it's going to be a very warm weekend, especially Saturday...lots of water will be downed by all the participants. A filling Mexican meal while catching up with old & new friends...very nice group photo w/ Ruston, Charlotte, & Curt...35,000 pieces of chalk (wow, that's A LOT of chalk!!) Have fun all you artists! EOM
