
Friday, September 13, 2024

2024 Summer Trip - A birthday trip to Cananda - Pt 1 2024/07/29

Today is a special day! It's my birthday and we're celebrating by doing something special! Time to visit a whole nother country! (I did a quick write-up of this previously, but this is the extended version). 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

2024 Summer Trip - Six Flags Darien Lake - 2024/07/28

It's just a day until my birthday, and the kids were wondering what I might like as a gift for it. Hmm. Well, as we drove to our RV site, I noticed the exit also pointed to a Six Flags park nearby. I do like roller coasters... So, the night before, I signed myself, Ian, and Alli up for a monthly membership to Six Flags! For just $8 a month (minimum 12 months), we can visit ANY Six Flags Park! Looks like if you go to a more popular Six Flags (New Jersey for instance), it's $10/mo. 

This summer trip just got a little more interesting! 

Monday, September 9, 2024

2024 Summer Trip - Buffalo New York and a Nighttime visit to Niagara Falls - 2024/07/27

It's another travel day today as we head further east and move on to our next destination for the summer. Can you tell where it is? 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday Morning Cereals - Cinnamon Toast Crunch Waffle Cereal

If you search for "Cinnamon Toast Crunch" on this site, you'll find dozens of different CTC products that we've tried. Well Cinnamon Toast Crunch isn't done innovating and yet again we're getting to try something new! 

Today we get to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch Waffle Cereal! 

And any time I can, I'll compare the cereal to what it's supposed to represent, so today, we're making waffles! And you can't have waffles without maple syrup, can you? We are fortunate enough to have some from our good friends the Coutures from their Maple Syrup farm! We taste tested lots of different maple products from their store and loved the maple syrup

Friday, September 6, 2024

2024 Summer Trip - Kenisee Lake Ohio, Cuyahoga Valley National Park - 2024/07/24

We've done a lot of traveling over the last 2 months, flying to Colorado, California, and Washington, but now that we're back in Michigan, it's time to grab the RV and finish up our long 2024 Summer Trip. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

2024 Summer Trip - Celebrating Ian and Alli's Half Birthday - 2024/07/21

It's time to celebrate Ian and Alli's half birthday! Theresa and I like to do this every year whenever we're nearby a lot of family and friends. We're celebrating a little bit late this year (for it to be exactly a half birthday, but whatever). And since we're near a Chuck E Cheese, why not head there to celebrate! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

2024 Summer Trip - A visit to Cedar Point - 2024/07/22

Ask anyone what the roller coaster capital of the world is and you'll get one consistent answer. Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

2024 Summer Trip - Hello Again Michigan - 2024/07/16

Colorado, it's been fun, but it's time to jump on a plane and head back to Michigan! We've got a lot more summer traveling to do!