
Thursday, October 3, 2024

2024 Mountain Dew VooDEW Taste Test

It's nearing Halloween which means it's time once again for the annual Mountain Dew Mystery VooDEW flavor to come out! Since 2019, we've been treated to a new surprise flavor every October! What will it be this year? (Thank you Jacob for finding it in stores!)

In 2019, we had Candy Corn flavor VooDEW
Alli - That tasted like Chapstick.

What will this year bring us? 

As a special treat, we have my brother Patrick, Megan, and Avery joining us via FaceTime for this taste test! It's always fun to do taste tests with more people, and especially Mountain Dew taste tests with my brother. 

Let's see if the labels can give us any hints this year. 
The VooDEW mascot, VooDEWgrim, is looking similar to previous years. There is a 6 in his palm. Off in the distance we see the moon with 2024 on it, plus other planets in the distance. Otherwise, it's not much help. 
Ian - There's planets in the background! It's got to be good!
Joe - I wonder what Saturn tastes like. 
Alli - It tastes like rocks. 
Ian - No! It's gas! Remember? 

And the color gives nothing away either. Always a pale white. 

Let's taste! Cheers! 
How does it smell? 
Ian - It smells fruity. 
Alli - It smells like Skittles. 
Theresa - It smells better than usual. Better than Cherry Chapstick. 
Ian - It smells like yogurt kind-of. 
Jacob - Fruity for sure. 
Alli - Skittles Yogurt. 
Megan - Does it smell like the yogurt sodas we had? The Milkis
Patrick - It looks like Milkis. 

Tasting time! 
Theresa - Hmm. It still has a Chapstick aftertaste. 
Ian - It does. 
Jacob - It smells better than it tastes. 
Ian - It's definitely another fruit one. 
Alli - Maybe a HiChew? 
Theresa - They've got to put a better finish on that. 
Jacob - And this is the regular. Not the Zero. 
Megan - It tastes watered down. The flavor doesn't last. 
Patrick - It's pretty weak. 
Joe - Is there a specific fruit you're tasting or is it fruit punchy? 
Alli - Orange? 
Theresa - No, more fruit punchy. 
Ian - It's not bad. It's not good. 
Alli - Yogurt Chapstick HiChew. 
Jacob - It's almost like some form of KoolAid. 
Megan - Do you think they're just giving us the same one every year and saying "Here! Guess!"
Jacob - Maybe freezer pops. Otter Pops. 
Theresa - I don't think they're winning me over on any of these. It's one and done for me. 

How is the Zero VooDEW? 
Joe - I'm not getting as fruity on this one. 
Alli - Still HiChew Chapstick Yogurt. 
Joe - I like the Zero less. 
Theresa - Bleh. I don't like the Zero at all. 
Jacob - Zero tastes pretty bad. 

Megan - Maybe Smarties? You know how they don't have a very strong flavor. But they are fruity. 
Avery - I think it's another fruity flavor. 
Patrick - It's good, but I'm not going to go buy a bunch of them. 
Joe - Just go buy one for your collection. We'll try them all again at year 10!

The kids think they have it figured out though. To them, it tastes like Pixy Stix. They happen to have a flavored sugar stick nearby. 
With 73 grams of sugar in the 20oz bottle, a Pixy Stix might just have about the same amount of sugar!  

They poured it into the soda and said it tasted the exact same. That must be it! 
We'll see when the official flavor is announced later this month! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the best part of this taste test was seeing and sharing it with Patrick, Megan, Avery, and Jacob ! :-) :-) Guessing the mystery flavor of VooDEW6 is hard since the color of VooDEW6 is "plain" and the smell is just "fruity"...Pixy Stix sounds like a plausible guess...will have to stay in suspense until the flavor is known! EOM
