
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Little Caesars Pineapple Pepsi Taste Test Comparison

You've heard the endless debate about whether or not Pineapple belongs on pizza. Some say it's delicious, while others call it an abomination. That debate will continue to go on, but today we have a different question to answer. 

Does Pineapple belong in Pepsi? 

And who has brought us this question to ponder? It's Little Caesars! They've partnered with Pepsi for a Little Caesars exclusive drink! 
Today, we'll give that a try, along with regular Pepsi and pineapple juice to see if this is something we like and can make ourselves! 

It was my brother Patrick who noticed it first. He sent me a text saying that it was available! We made plans to do a FaceTime taste test later that night after we both acquired it! 
I placed my order through the app and went to pick up my pizza. When I got there, the worker had no clue what I was talking about. 
Worker - We don't have Pineapple Pepsi.
Ian - It's on the sign behind you. 
Worker - Let me go talk to my manager. 
Manager - We don't have it. You can pick another drink. (mind you this exclusive can was $2.50 while the others were only $1.50). 
Joe - Just cancel the order. 

It wasn't until a few weeks later that we were nearby another Little Caesars and I actually saw they had the Pineapple Pepsi drinks in the cooler before I tried again. 

But once I got it, we were all set! I set up a night with Patrick and family and we all hopped on FaceTime to taste it together! 

There they are! Hi Patrick, Megan, and Avery!

Nice. Giving me some good shots for my write-up! 

And they're prepared with extra Pepsi and pineapple as well. Perfect! 

Gotta get our family shot in there too. 

I love that the can has Little Caesars theming to it! Pineapple is written in the appropriate font, and ringing the top of the can in orange is LC for Little Caesars. 

And there's the Little Caesar himself enjoying a slice of pizza beneath a giant pineapple with sunglasses. 

Looking at the ingredient list on this 16oz can of soda, we can see that right behind the carbonated water and high fructose corn syrup, is real pineapple juice! Yes, I see above that it's 1% juice, but I'm just surprised that it's not all chemical flavorings. 

Personally, I'm a fan of all things pineapple, so I'm looking forward to this one. I hope it's good. 
Theresa - This might just be my favorite soft drink taste test. I like pineapple a lot. 
Megan - What are we tasting first? 
Joe - Let's taste Little Caesars first! How does it smell? 
Megan - It smells like pineapple!
Patrick - It smells like a lot of pineapple!
Joe - It does! 
Ian - Oh yeah! 

Patrick - I don't get a lot of it in the taste, but I get a lot in the smell. 
Megan - I do. I can taste it. 
Ian - Me too. 
Patrick - I like it. 
Alli - I know exactly what it tastes like. If you drink it a certain way, it tastes like the Peeps Pepsi
Ian - I can see that. 
Avery - I think it tastes like Peepsi too. 
Joe - I don't know about that, but I really like this one. I taste pineapple. 
Patrick - My second taste from the can has more pineapple flavor. 
Joe - Why does Avery look like she hates it? 
Megan - She's not used to drinking soda. 
Avery - It bubbles up my nose. 

Now it's time to have some Pepsi with pineapple juice in it. Our homemade pineapple Pepsi. 
Joe - How much juice should I put in? 
Patrick - It says 1%. 
Joe - I'm going to put in more than 1%. 
Theresa - Whoa whoa! That's like half pineapple juice!
Joe - It is not!

(takes a sip)
Joe - Oh, yeah, I put in too much pineapple juice. 
Ian - It's still good!
Theresa - I'm sure it's good. It's pineapple and Pepsi. 
Patrick - I like it! 
Theresa - That's so yummy! It's like sparkling pineapple juice! 
Joe - We should mix pineapple juice with all our sodas. 
Patrick - That's a good idea. 
Theresa - It tastes like a fancy juice. 
Joe - So we can make this ourselves. 
Theresa - Adding more Pepsi to it makes it taste more like the drink. 

Theresa - All of these drinks were delicious and I would drink them all. 
Joe - Wow Theresa! That's a taste test that Theresa approves.
Theresa - That's something Theresa never says. 
Patrick - I like it! I'd go get more cans. 
Joe - I know that I can make it myself and I'll love it. Thanks for letting me know it existed Patrick!

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