
Sunday, October 13, 2024

Twix Cookie Dough and Milky Way Cookie Dough Taste Test Comparison

One of the special treats in life is getting to enjoy things you really shouldn't eat. I think Cookie Dough tops the list of my favorite treats that you're really not supposed to eat raw, given that it has eggs and uncooked flour in it. But it's just so good that it's hard to resist! 

So, when some of our favorite candy bars came out with a special Cookie Dough flavor that you're actually allowed to eat, of course we've got to give this a try! And we always like to compare it with the real thing. In this case, the cookie dough from Pillsbury is safe to eat raw! Let's go! 

Today we will be trying Twix Cookie Dough, Milky Way Cookie Dough, and comparing them to Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. 

After polling the room, we all decided to start with the regular Cookie Dough, just to get a baseline for what tastes we were expecting to get. 

Surely not representative of all raw cookie dough, but the Pillsbury Cookie Dough is pretty good. 
Jacob - Delicious! I approve. 
Ian - I agree. 
Joe - It's not quite homemade cookie dough. 
Alli - It's okay. 
Theresa - I don't like the grittiness. The sugar in it is not my favorite. It's not smooth. 
Joe - I feel like it's less gritty than homemade. 
Theresa - I don't really like cookie dough, so lets just get that out of the way too. 

Ian - I like this stuff! 
Jacob - I love raw cookie dough. 
Joe - You were saying you've eaten hundreds of these? 
Jacob - Hundreds and hundreds!
Theresa - I've had less than 2. 
Joe - So... 1. 

Next, let's give the Milky Way Cookie Dough a try. 

Theresa - I'm confused about where the cookie dough is in the Milky Way. 
Joe - It's Cookie Dough artificial flavor. 
Theresa - But where? 
Joe - I guess in the nougat. 

Joe - Ah, right on the package. Creamy Caramel, Cookie Dough flavored Nougat. 

Theresa - It just looks like their regular nougat. 
Well, let's give it a try. 

T cut us a few smaller pieces. 
Joe - We want more middle pieces instead of end pieces. 

Ian - No! This stuff is disgusting! (goes to spit it out)
Alli - I taste a little coffee. And I like coffee. 
Jacob - I'm not getting Cookie Dough. I'm not a huge Milky Way fan. 
Joe - I don't taste cookie dough either. 
Theresa - It tastes like a Milky Way, but a little wrong. 
Jacob - Milky Way adjacent. 
Theresa - And not in a good way. 

Alright then. Moving on to the Twix!

This appears to have cookie dough on top of the regular Twix cookie. And there's even chocolate chip bits in it. 

Though I'm not seeing them yet. 

Jacob - I found some! 
Joe - Those aren't just air holes? 
Jacob - Nope! They're chocolate chips!
Joe - Looks like it's a Cookie Dough flavored Creme with Cookie Bits. Wonder why not just cookie dough on top. Why call it a creme? 

I'll nitpick a little bit and say that these chocolate chips are massive and not as evenly spread throughout the cookie dough as the picture implies above implies. But, it doesn't matter so much what it looks like. It's more important what it tastes like! 

Uh, yeah. 
Alli - That one is way crunchier than that one. 
Theresa - Cause it has cookie in it. 
Ian - So much better! This stuff is delicious!
Theresa - I'm trying to decide whether to swallow. Bleh. That's not good. Eww. That was so... I was so excited for these flavors!
Joe - I don't know why you're ever excited for these flavors. You usually hate them. 
Jacob - I tried just the top and didn't like it. Then I tried the bottom and wondered why it tasted so weird. 

Alli - I do not like it.
Jacob - Now I'm judging myself on whether I even like real Twix. 
Alli ran to her candy bin and pulled out some regular Twix for us to try. 
Ian - She gave you a Right Twix Dada!
Joe - What!?! Oh, it doesn't say. I'm going to just assume it's a Left Twix. (takes a bite). Yes, that tastes like a Left Twix. 
Theresa - That's better. 
Jacob - Yes, I still like regular Twix. 
Joe - It's got a more pronounced caramel flavor. 

Theresa - The plain Pillsbury Cookie Dough was way better than both candy bars, and I don't even like cookie dough. And those Twix and Milky Way, if y'all weren't going to eat them, I'd just put them in the trash right now. 
Jacob - The Milky Way was better than the Twix. But the Cookie Dough is better. 
Ian - I liked the Twix way better than Milky Way. But Cookie Dough wins it all. 
Joe - Regular cookie dough wins it all. 
Alli - I liked the regular cookie dough too. 

So, the results of this taste test are: If you're really in the mood to eat cookie dough, do yourself a favor and skip the "flavored" candy bars. Just get the real thing that you can eat straight! It's way tastier and more satisfying! 

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