It's Day 3 for us going to the Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey! We've had a lot of fun so far at this park going on all the big rides. Today, we'll start with the rides and then head over to the 2nd park that's included here in New Jersey. The Six Flags Safari!
This time, I knew that I couldn't bring a phone or anything with, and Theresa got lots of pictures of us on the ride the yesterday, so she moseyed her way to Kingda Ka, while the kids and I sprinted ahead.
And just like yesterday, we were the very first riders in the very front row!
After riding on that a few times, we headed to El Toro to see if it was really as rough as we thought it was yesterday. Yep, still rough. I liked it, but it was too much for the kids.
Theresa would catch back up with us as we entered the Pine Barrens Forest, home of the Jersey Devil.
And right behind this copse of trees is the one and only Jersey Devil Coaster.
Home of the Jersey Devil itself.
With really good lines today, we rode where I got to go in the front.
And then Ian.
And even another time in the back!
That was a great morning for getting rides in! Now it's time to do something for Theresa, who doesn't really go on any of these rides.
The Six Flags Safari is a separate park on the other side of the parking lot with its own ticketed entrance. With our Season Pass, we get in for free!
All the recommendations suggested getting there early in the morning, but Theresa allowed me and the kids to do the amusement park rides while the lines were short in the morning and we crossed our fingers that the line wouldn't be too bad here.
Well... that was a mistake. We hopped in line at 1:30pm according to the timestamps on my photos.
And from there, it was a very slow shuffle forward. Thankfully it was pretty overcast so we didn't get too hot. And there was a food stand nearby where we could refill our Unlimited Drink cup as often as we liked.
There was a very small play area for the kids to run around in while the adults waited in line.
Finally getting close to the end!
We're about to go on a big safari ride! It looks similar to the Kilimanjaro Safaris at Disney's Animal Kingdom back in Florida.
I was really hoping it would be a little more impressive than that.
Because it is now 3:30pm, and we just waited two hours standing in a line to ride this thing.
Back row for us, which works great for me! We can see out both sides and behind us!
Here we go!
Around the giant safari entrance and into the park.
I guess the animals just get used to the constant noise of the coasters all day.
The sun came out, which I guess it making it too hot to be out walking around. Find any shade you can.
Or, even better, cool off with a dip in the lake!
All these spotted deer have found the shade of this one big tree.
But the American Buffalo don't seem to mind the heat too much.
It's a rhino!
And is that a little baby I see?
Now we come to the elephants.
A mud bath must be good way to stay cool and protect your skin.
Don't mind us. Just driving by a few giraffes.
The big cats know what to do when it's hot. Just lie around all day.
We're entering bear country.
And are those cubs?
These guys look to have found something tasty that they're enjoying.
And even the bears get a nice big pond to cool off in.
Those are some brave ducks.
Come back again!
More big cats! This time Tigers!
Ian said this really reminded him of his stuffed tiger that he got on his 1st birthday.
Well, I was impressed. This was a much better tour than just the safari ride at Disney. We've been out driving around the animals for about 40 minutes! Next time though, we'll have to plan this one better so we're not standing around so long at the beginning.
The camera can't focus on us, but we enjoyed our time at the Safari.
Next, we'd head back into Six Flags Great Adventure to ride a few more rides. As we were coming out of the bathroom, Ian noticed this big wasp next in a tree next to a sign board!
We grabbed a few pictures, and noted the location so we could tell guest services. Hopefully they'll remove it before anyone gets hurt!
The kids wanted to take Theresa on the Justice League shooting game. We know she likes Buzz Lightyear. Maybe she'll like this one!
Alas, no. It's too much shooting at screens instead of physical objects. It's difficult to tell where the shots from your gun are going.
Dinner time! The quesadilla were calling to us tonight. They were pretty good!
Hi Daffy and Bugs!
And Tweety too!
8pm and time to head home. Tomorrow is a move day (although not a very far one).
I like the sign! The only one we're missing is the Six Flags in Canada!
Well, it's a move day today. As I was getting packed up outside, I found this little critter. A tiny little stick bug that blends in really really well with the environment.
That's some really good camouflage.
Time to go back home!
We got the RV all packed up and headed over to the main office. So... how much extra would it be to have a late checkout? Just $30? Hmm.
We left the RV there and went to get fuel in the truck. We're in New Jersey where it's forbidden to pump your own gas.
And then at 10:57am, we were right back at Six Flags Great Adventure!
From there, we just did whatever rides sounded fun. It's been a great few days here at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey.
By 1pm, some of the rides we wanted to do were down. I think it's time to head back to the RV and move on to the next RV park. We checked in on that wasp nest from yesterday too, and despite our telling someone, it's still there and quite active.
Goodbye! It's been fun!
Back to the Butterfly Campground and time to go!
Let's spend one more morning here before we have to go.
We're at the back of the pack for now, but we won't be for long!
The kids know the way by now. I ran ahead just to see if Superman was running which might change our plans (it wasn't), so we ran along to Kingda Ka.
Theresa making her way over, and stopping for the giant tortoises.
But with enough time to see us riding in the front row! For the 3 days it was running while we were here (it was down one day), we were the first in line and in the front row all three times!
From there, we just did whatever rides sounded fun. It's been a great few days here at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey.
The family couldn't get enough of the New Jersey Six Flags Great Adventure park!!!...conquering Kingda Ka so many times and more turning/twisting/up-down exhilaration on the others...unbelievable, adrenaline rushes! A complete opposite with the Safari park...more serene and relaxing and simply being awed by the many wild animals...surprised at the number and variety there. Ian's 1st tiger was made for cuddling and hugging, a little different from the tiger at the safari :-) Good eyes, Ian, for seeing the wasp nest in the tree! EOM