
Monday, March 10, 2025

Japanese Curry Pringles - taste test comparison

One of the best parts about traveling is all the unique snacks that you can find! While we were in Japan in Fall 2023, we found a special treat by Pringles! Japanese Curry! 

These Pringles came in a pack with three snack size containers of Pringles in a fancy embossed black box. Of course when we tried them, we had to make our own curry to see how it all compared! 

So, we boiled some potatoes, sweated an onion, and microwaved a few bags of mixed vegetables, then added a bunch of cooked chicken and broth. 

Add a few curry cubes and it's going to be delicious! 

A look at the box these came in. 

And the design on the can. 

So many fancy decorations to the box. 

More box art. 

How does it smell Ian? 
Ian - It smells really good. 
Jacob - It smells like curry. Not quite as intense. 

The Pringles we get in the United States have flavoring on the "top" of the chip. These all seem to have flavoring powder on the bottom. 

Ian - I want some more of that. I love it. 
Joe - It's not bad. It's got a very strong potato chip flavor. A strong Pringle flavor. Just a light dusting of curry. 
Alli - I'm out. 
Joe - You don't like it Alli? 
Alli - Too potato chippy. 
Theresa - That does not taste like curry. 
Jacob - Curry adjacent. 
Joe - What does it taste like then? 
Theresa - Oniony, onion soup kindof? 
Joe - It's definitely not a dark curry. 
Alli - It's not any curry. It's potato chip. 
Jacob - I like it. 
Theresa - It has a weird aftertaste too. 
Jacob - Maybe you just need to keep eating them. 
Joe - It's not spicy. 
Alli - The aftertaste is like a light bbq sauce, but mostly potato chip. 

Ian gives it two big thumbs up.
Alli gives it a sideways thumb. 
Jacob - I give it a thumbs up for flavor, but I don't think it tastes like curry. 
Theresa - A halfway down thumb. I don't prefer it and I wouldn't eat it. But I don't hate it. 
Joe - I think they were okay. I was expecting more curry flavor and a little bit of spice. Still, it was fun to find and bring home to try. 

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